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Title LMCE 2017 (Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition)
& KSLM 58th Annual Meeting
Dates October 18-20, 2017
Venue Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea
Host Organizer Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine
Main Theme Laboratory Medicine in the Era of Disruptive Technology
Programs Plenary Lectures, Keynote Speeches, Symposia, Education Workshops,
Oral Presentations, Poster Session, Exhibition
Social Events Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception, Banquet
Official Language English (Some sessions are in Korean)
Secretariat LMCE 2017 Secretariat
1F, Haeoreum B/D, 16, Yeoksam-ro 17 gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel: +82-2-557-8422, 8423  Fax: +82-2-566-6087  E-mail:
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